Share a Smile this Christmas with The Overtones and Operation Smile

Share a Smile this Christmas with The Overtones and Operation Smile

On the 18th September 2013 Smile Ambassadors 'The Overtones' travelled to an Operation Smile medical project in Ruhengeri, Rwanda to join a team of international volunteers.The Overtones - Operation Smile Lachie, Timmy, Darren, Mark and Mike offered their support to help make the dream of an operation come true for children born with cleft lips and palates.

Over the course of 10 days, the team worked tirelessly to provide medical evaluations for 190 patients. For 82 children and adults their dream of a new smile came true.

And now The Overtones have teamed up with Operation Smile to release a festive version of the 1954 Nat King Cole classic 'Smile' to raise money for the international cleft lip and palate charity.

For just £1.99 the single includes the 'Smile' music track, official 'Smile' music video and two bonus Christmas tracks from The Overtones, 'Winter Wonderland' and 'White Christmas'. Available now to pre-order on iTunes and to download from Monday 16th December, 100% of net profits from each single will go directly to the charity.

We asked The Overtones about their time in Rwanda, to find out what impact Operation Smile has had on their lives and how you can help them to #shareasmile this Christmas.


Mike - The Overtones
How did you first become involved with Operation Smile?

"We were approached by the charity to possibly get involved. At that point we had no idea the journey we would go on. We were thrilled to have the chance to help. We just wanted to actually help instead of doing the obvious photo calls. We wanted to muck in and make a difference. I think we achieved that."

How prepared were you for what you saw and experienced in Rwanda?

"We were well informed by Op Smile what we might expect. What I wasn't prepared for was how close a bond I would form with the children and families I was going to follow. This was obviously wonderful but it also added to the already extremely intense and emotional experience. It was completely joyous to see the results and how you can experience that one magical almost instant moment when a child's path in life changes absolutely for the better. I'm still astonished when I think about what happens on Op Smile missions."


Lachie - The Overtones
Having witnessed the emotional rollercoaster the parents and children have to endure throughout this procedure, what has been the lowest point in your journey for Operation Smile?

"There really wasn't a low point in the mission. The whole process was pedal to the metal to give as many people the chance to have this operation. No one is there for a holiday - we were all there to help and work hard. Yes, there were challenges, because the experiences of those in a first-world western nation are very different to those of the Rwandan patients. I would never say these equated to anything like a 'low point' - everything was extremely valuable and educational and ultimately, helped many people."

And in the same vein, what lifted your spirits and gave you the strength to continue when, unlike those personally involved, you could have so easily walked away?

"I was so inspired by the absolute dedication of every single volunteer who gave their time, professionalism and expertise to this mission with Operation Smile. There were professional volunteers from the USA, UK, Canada, Sweden, Pakistan, Sweden, Ireland, Egypt, Iran, Brazil, Equador and Mexico to name but a few. Operation Smile gathers a veritable United Nations of highly skilled volunteers to undertake these operations, for free. Every single person there shares a common united goal to do as much as humanly possible. I was honoured to spend 10 days with this amazing group of people."


Darren - The Overtones
It must have been hard to leave knowing that so many children were still waiting and in need of help. Are you planning a return visit?

"It's obviously hard knowing children still need operations but Operation Smile are aware of this and always plan on returning at some stage. You have to take the positives and know that you have helped transformed a lot of lives from babies to elderly people."

What have you taken away from this experience and what impact has it made to you on a personal level?

"It made me realise that I want to do more to help people and also taught me how dangerous a cleft lip/pallet can be. It's life threatening for babies. This is something I was unaware of previously."


Timmy - The Overtones
In the UK we are very fortunate to have the help needed for our children who are born with cleft lips and palates. Do you have any personal experience of this in your own families?

"A friend of the family's baby was born with a cleft lip. The baby was 5 months old when he had the operation to correct it. It reminds me of how lucky we are with the amazing health care system that is in place in the UK and Ireland. Some of these adults are over 65 and having this operation now. Some of the babies who have cleft lips and cleft palates aren't so lucky as they can't feed properly so 1 in 10 sadly die. My wish is for all babies who are born in impoverished countries such as Rwanda to have the operation so they all have the chance to live.

The song choice is a perfect fit. Whose idea was it?

"We love the song Smile, originally sung by the late Nat King Cole. It is one of the most beautiful songs ever written. As our music makes people smile and feel good this song felt like the perfect fit. We want to help operation smile and raise much needed funds and this didn't leave our minds when we were putting down the vocals for this song. Those lovely smiles we encountered in Rwanda were there with us in the recording studio. They will never leave my mind so please help us create some more this Christmas."


Mark - The Overtones
What can your fans and followers do to help you reach your goal of being No.1 at Christmas and raise the much needed funds to continue this valuable work?

"As well as buying the single it's really about spreading the word via social media. Get posting on your Facebook & Twitter accounts!! One fan is asking her friends to buy the single instead of sending her a Christmas card. Thought that was a genius idea!! If everyone did that we'd easily reach our target of 50k singles.

Promoting this single is obviously a high priority for you at the moment but with Christmas just around the corner are you also getting into the festive spirit and what plans do you have for the holidays?

"It'll be a familytasic Christmas for me this year in Manchester. We've got rellies flying over from Canada so I reckon Mum might have to wack on another Turkey!! Before that I can't wait to perform at the Operation Smile Christmas Carol concerts. What better way to get in the festive spirit and spread the word about this amazing charity!!

SMILE - available now to pre-order on iTunes

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