Punch Taverns launch Cask Ale Week with Free Pint Promotion

Punch Taverns launch Cask Ale Week with Free Pint Promotion

Cask Ale Week runs Thursday 25th September - Sunday 5th October 2014 and Punch Taverns is supporting this year's Cask Ale Week with a free pint promotion.

"Last year we organised a free pint offer with the Sun+ and the Sun newspaper during Cask Ale Week - and the response was fantastic! It brought thousands of new faces into the pubs - and created lots of interest. By making the give-away part of a countrywide celebration, people see it as a great gesture to encourage them to join in.

Punch may have made all the investment and - with Cask Marque support - done all the organisation but pub-goers and newcomers see it as a gift from their local. It encourages new people through the door and gets regulars trying something different. Either way, they can raise a glass to our national drink courtesy of Punch Taverns during a week dedicated to brewing and beer."

Stephen Martin, Drinks Category Manager

Cask Ale Week is a celebration of Britain's National Drink and the home of cask ale - the great British pub. The Week is supported by thousands of brewers, pub groups and pubs who are proud to brew and sell Britain's National Drink.

"Promotions like this are a great way of gaining new business. I hope that plenty of other breweries and pub companies will be following suit with Punch and offering imaginative promotions to get people sampling. Now's the time to get planning!"

Paul Nunny, Cask Marque

For more information and events as they become available visit www.caskaleweek.co.uk

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