More to Fringe Festivals than just Edinburgh

More to Fringe Festivals than just Edinburgh

Every year hundreds of thousands of artists perform at Fringe Festivals across the globe. There are nearly 300 Fringes around the world and they represent a hugely proactive touring network emerging as one of the fastest growing type of festival within the sector.

World Fringe Network has represented the Fringe Festival sector for over five years, passionate about connecting the industry, developing networks, touring routes and building partnerships at a time when Fringes are at the centre of a booming industry.

World Fringe is a networking platform that connects Fringe Festival professionals and performers worldwide providing communication, advice and collaborative information on events and their locations.

In 2012, the organisation partnered with the Edinburgh Fringe Society to produce the inaugural World Fringe Congress, which saw 80 Fringe Festival professionals representing 47 Fringes from 20 countries. They gathered together for the first time ever and discussed all things Fringe.

In the city of Edinburgh in 1947 eight theatre groups turned up in uninvited wanting to perform at the (then newly formed) Edinburgh International Festival, an initiative created to celebrate and enrich European cultural life in the wake of the Second World War. Not being part of the official programme of the International festival didn't stop these performers - they just went ahead and staged their shows anyway.

Year on year more and more performers followed their example and in 1958 the Edinburgh Festival Fringe Society was created in response to the success of this growing trend.

Brighton Festival had the same thing happen in 1967 when it began, but it incorporated the 'open access' part of the festival within its programme until 2002 when it became the Fringe we know today. Similarly Adelaide Fringe began in the early 1970's as a reaction to the Adelaide Festival of Arts. The two festivals then went on to join forces and become one.

Since then hundreds of cities have seen the same organic phenomenon of Fringe festivals forming. This booming Festival sector has picked up the pace in recent years as we see more and more new Fringe Festivals begin.

No other network exists in the world that connects Fringe Festivals together internationally on such a grand scale as World Festival Network. Festival professionals, suppliers, performers and audiences from Amsterdam to Hawaii, California to China, Canada to Scotland can communicate, network, find locations and events through the online platform that is World Fringe.

World Fringe and World Festival Network are again heading up to Edinburgh for the annual Fringe Festival. They are running three events aimed at strengthening and connecting the industry.

  • Street Arts - Where To Go Next? Friday, 16th August 11:00
  • Fringe Festivals Around the World Saturday, 17th August 12:00
  • What Fringe Next? Sunday, 18th August 12:00

Fringe Central, Edinburgh

Objectives of World Fringe

  • promote Fringe Festivals throughout the world to sponsors, artists, suppliers and audiences
  • host a range of opportunities for information and knowledge sharing and networking amongst the Fringe Festival industry
  • provide up to date, high quality information to the Fringe Festival sector and audiences
  • highlight and promote best practice and new developments within the Fringe Festival sector
  • create a means to unite all who are involved in the Festival industry
  • make Festival information useful and more accessible
  • encourage audiences, travel, synergies and collaboration
  • expose issues and keep the industry fresh and up to date with political agendas; highlight global developments and to monitor trends
  • lobby as 'one voice' for a united sector
  • encourage touring and to strengthen artist development and opportunities
  • create a platform for staff and volunteer exchange and employment
  • educate on what a Fringe Festival is, and the platforms and opportunities they provide
  • support performers, artists, touring companies, producers and agents
  • make no profit from Fringe Festival Societies

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  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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