More Cities Sign Up to the Big Dig

More Cities Sign Up to the Big Dig

The Big Dig is a national project all about making urban food growing a part of every urban landscape.

There are already hundreds of food growing gardens in cities and towns across England, and the aim of the Big Dig is to help those gardens get more people involved in their work.

The project currently has six city partners who are aiming to get 10,000 new people involved in their local food garden over the next year.

And with Nottingham, Oxford and Birmingham now added to the list, it takes the number of cities involved to nine!

The Big Dig will provide training and advice to over 5,000 community food volunteers across these areas, as well as engage 5,000 other volunteers through corporate social opportunities and work with schools.

Volunteers will be recruited through high profile events, with the focus on attracting people from deprived areas who traditionally do not volunteer.

The project will also aim to engage with the public through a range of open days and events reaching over 13,000 people nationally through this work.

The aim is to involve local people, in creating vibrant community food gardens, which can reduce anti-social behaviour, provide fresh, healthy food and put pride into communities.

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