IFE13 and Pro2Pac Celebrate their Most Spectacular Show to Date

IFE13 and Pro2Pac Celebrate their Most Spectacular Show to Date

ExCeL London was a hive of activity last week as the food, drink and packaging industries turned out in force for a spectacular edition of the co-located IFE13 and Pro2Pac events.

Exhibitors and visitors enthusiastically received both shows, commenting on the busy aisles, insightful attractions and impressive presentation delivered by event organisers Fresh Montgomery.

Early indications show the event attracted an audience of 26,498 professionals (subject to ABC audit) from 95 countries, including an over 10% rise in attendance from international visitors.

Over four days, IFE13 - the UK's largest international food and drink trade event - was action packed, attracting thousands of buyers from national and international retailers, wholesalers and food-service outlets. With more than 1,100 exhibitors from over 50 countries, there was ample opportunity to identify innovative new products and do business.

If I could pick one word to describe the shows it would be 'buzzing'. Whether wandering around the stands, listening to first class speakers, watching emotional pizza chefs win their equivalent of the Oscars, or getting second-to-none industry advice, ExCeL was alive with excitement and anticipation. All of this proves how important the food, drink and packaging industry is and we can’t wait to get started on the next IFE and Pro2Pac.

Christopher McCuin, Event Director of IFE13 and Pro2Pac

Visitor attractions were at the heart of the show, with many high-profile speakers in Ife Reviewattendance, from David Heath MP, Minister of State for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, Groceries Code Adjudicator, Christine Tacon and Mike Coupe, Group Commercial Director at Sainsbury's, to top chefs Alyn Williams and Steve Munkley.

IFE13 also played host to two internationally renowned pizza championships: -

The European Final of Giropizza of Europe, won by Frenchman Mehdi Douimry, and the UK Final of the World Pizza Championships, which saw Antonio Macera from Glasgow selected to represent the country at the finals in Parma, Italy on the 15-17 April 2013.

Over in the South Hall, Pro2Pac 2013 once again brought together key industry leaders to share the latest insights and cutting-edge developments in the food processing and packaging sector.

We only do one show a year and Pro2Pac is perfect for us. Food manufacturers buy food packaging so the co-location with IFE means the buyers are more likely to be at the show already.

Ravenwood Packaging Director Paul Beamish

In the Pro2Pac Live seminar theatre, presentations on topics such as design, sustainability and foodservice packaging were delivered by top food and drink companies, including Warburtons and Marks & Spencer. In addition, representatives from companies like Packology, Miller Graphics and MMR Research gave personalised advice in the new One2One Experts feature and Expert Workhops, providing an interactive setting for discussion.

Sustainability was a core theme at Pro2Pac, with the Sustainable Solutions Zone in association with ADBA and the first Pro2Pac Sustainable Packaging Prize, won by Leeds Metropolitan University student Amy Prendergast for her environmentally-friendly spice packaging design.

Fantastically buzzy, I've met an incredible range of customers from fine food chefs to large manufacturers looking for a point of difference.

Alison Lea-Wilson from Halen Môn

There was a constant stream of seminars, demonstrations, attractions and one-to-one sessions taking place throughout IFE including The Skillery, British Regional Kitchen, The Hub, Export Advice Centre, New Products Live, UK Dairy Export Forum, Fresh Ideas Winners Showcase, the Future of Convenience installation and the UK and international Meet-the-Buyer events.

For more information visit www.ife.co.uk and www.pro2pac.co.uk

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