Identical twins, Chickens and Men with Beards - Survey Reveals the Nation's Weird and Wonderful Phobias

Identical twins, Chickens and Men with Beards - Survey Reveals the Nation's Weird and Wonderful Phobias

Research into what scares the living daylights out of us Brits unearths our most bizarre fears. Ripleys' Shrunken HeadThe survey commissioned by visitor attraction, Ripley's Believe It or Not! London reveals that our strangest phobias are being the last survivor on earth, the TV breaking and clowns.

Whilst the nation's biggest fears are the more expected creepy crawlies, life-changing events and scary beasts, some of the more unusual fears that get our heart rate racing and set our nerves on edge include balloons popping, feet and men with beards.

When asked to detail any of their more unusual fears, responses included knees, spirals and ambient music. Some of the strange food-related fears are potato salad, carrots, peas and wooden lolly sticks.

"There are many common fears that a lot of us share but here at Ripley's we celebrate all that is unusual across the globe so delving into our more bizarre phobias was fascinating. It is interesting to find out about people's fears of nylon sheets, chickens and being the sole survivor of an apocalypse.

It is also curious to see the effect that modern life is having on our fears as responses such as losing your laptop, the television breaking and being cut off from social media featured in the list of the UK's phobias."

Natascha Crump, general manager at Ripley's Believe It or Not! London

Visitors to the central London attraction can explore traditional spooky scares as they venture into the Dungeon Zone including ancient torture instruments, vampire paraphernalia and a Mexican Day of the Dead skeleton.

More of the weird and wonderful exhibits visitors can get up close to at the attraction include authentic Amazonian shrunken heads, a five-legged cow, models of Titanic and Tower Bridge built using matchsticks and an ornate carving from camel bone.

Ripley's Believe It or Not! London is open seven days a week, 365 days a year from 10am until midnight. Visit for further information.

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