Giggling Squid Cavern Discovered in Reigate

Giggling Squid Cavern Discovered in Reigate

Building work on the latest Giggling Squid Thai restaurant in Reigate took a dramatic turn when construction workers underpinning the new kitchen nearly fell through the floor into a gaping 60 cubic metre hole.

Andy Laurillard, who owns the Giggling Squid with wife and business partner Pranee, will need to relocate the kitchen to another floor, while turning the basement into a dining area, complete with a glass panel through which diners can view the unexpected addition to this beautiful building.

The majority of the caves in Reigate were originally dug as mines for silver sand and the cavern beneath this 300-year-old listed building on Reigate High Street is thought to be the result of such mining.Giggling Squid Reigate

It will now become a feature in the new restaurant, complete with soft lighting to allow guests a glimpse into the history of this building.

The dividing wall that has hidden the cavern for many years shows signs of an archway long since bricked and just inside the cavern there are two large recesses carved out on either side wall; perfect for protecting candle light from any interior breeze or storing the odd bottle or two of wine.

At present the cavern is only accessible via a small hole, knocked through the existing brick wall. This will be expanded slightly to accommodate a larger viewing panel but cannot be opened up further to allow complete visitor access for safety reasons and to preserve the structural integrity of the whole building.

With 300 year old panelling in the entrance hall, this delightful building is the perfect setting for a restaurant, with rooms available over three floors, well lit to the rear and with street views to the front.

Reigate is ready for a new dining experience - and the authentic, rustic and fresh Thai cooking for which the Giggling Squid is growing in reputation is a welcome change.

This latest opening will take the group's total number of venues to six, adding to sites in Henley, Brighton, Hove, Crawley and Tunbridge Wells.

The food, described by The Times as "exciting", is prepared by master Thai chefs using fresh ingredients, sourced locally where available.

Discover all the information you will need to book your table, including downloadable menus, opening times and clear route directions for each venue, at

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