Film Celebrates the Best of Liverpool City Region Produce

Film Celebrates the Best of Liverpool City Region Produce

Food Tourism Connect, the campaign to drive demand for food created and produced in Liverpool City Region, has launched a short film to stimulate interest in local producers.

The video was first screened at Liverpool's FACT Cinema, and was shot and produced by acclaimed Liverpool photographer Mark McNulty.

It will be used to promote Liverpool City Region produce to the public and businesses.

The film shows the various producers going about their working day, whether growing vegetables, brewing beer or making ice-cream and shows how the food produced in the region makes its journey from countryside to plate. It also highlights the benefits of buying local, both for the consumer and the local economy.

Part of the challenge in promoting the idea of buying local is that many people in Liverpool City Region just aren't aware of the fantastic food producers on their doorstep. This film is a personal introduction to six very different producers in the region, and we hope the film will help to stimulate interest in supporting them and businesses like them, by buying local and supporting bars and restaurants that use local produce too. Our end goal is to make buying food and drink from Liverpool City Region producers the preferred option for both hospitality businesses and consumers.

Pam Wilsher, Head of Visitor Economy Development at Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership, which encompasses Tourist Board Visit Liverpool

Food Tourism Connect is funded by Defra's Rural Development Programme for England. The initiative is a commitment to raising the profile of rurally produced food among visitors to Liverpool City Region and to drive demand by promoting it direct to consumers, buyers and wholesalers.

The film can be viewed at

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