BBC Good Food Bakes & Cakes Show

BBC Good Food Bakes & Cakes Show

River Street Events are delighted to announce the launch of a new show exclusively dedicated to baking - the BBC Good Food Bakes & Cakes Show.Mary Berry Taking place from the 25th - 27th October 2014 at The Business Design Centre in Islington, the show will be the perfect place to indulge in a passion that has become increasingly popular in the last few years as millions of Brits say they enjoy baking at home.

Tickets to the show will include a free seat in the 450-seat auditorium where enthusiasts can watch and learn from top-class baking talent including Paul Hollywood, Mary Berry and other baking experts cooking live.

The show will be packed with specialists & cake-crafters and visitors will be able to learn new techniques, watch demonstrations and buy everything needed to bake like the experts.

"Baking is a huge trend at the moment, it is a natural progression for us to develop key spin off shows from the BBC Good Food Show family - especially with the backing of the Bakes & Cakes title. We are delighted to be working with Paul and Mary, the nation’s favourite bakers, along with a strategic marketing partnership with Lakeland, the UK’s renowned retailer of bake and cookware."

Laura Biggs, Managing Director at River Street Events

This is the seventh BBC Good Food live event in River Street Events' annual portfolio following two other launches in 2014 of a brand new Spring Show at the Harrogate International Centre and the BBC Good Food Festival at Hampton Court in August. These shows join the original group of hugely successful exhibition-centre based shows in Glasgow, Birmingham and London.

More details will be available soon, so put the dates in your diary now and check for further information.

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