Our Top Picks from International Jewellery London 2015

Our Top Picks from International Jewellery London 2015

We had a great time being dazzled by jewels, diamond, golds and precious stones at this years International Jewellery London at Olympia earlier this week - Anca Popescuand have put together a small collection of favourites that sparkled just a little bit more amongst the wealth of glitz and glamour on display.

We had only just began our walk around when Anca Popescu's collection stopped us in our tracks. Fine silver wire worked and crocheted into beautifully fluid designs that feel and move like lace.

Anca was showing her collection for the first time and with very affordable prices for such intricate work, we think we will be seeing much more from her in the months to come.

Another independent designer showing at #IJL2015 was West Yorkshire based Mary Duggan, with her Contrary Mary range of bespoke, wearable artwork. Mary has always had a passion for jewellery and became fascinated with how the right piece can enhance how you look and feel, and symbolise important things in your life.

"Just like any artwork, particular styles of jewellery attract me. I like pieces that are simple and have clean lines. Contrary MaryI would choose something that has been made individually, by hand, over the most costly gems. I was six months shy of my 50th birthday and had decided to commission a piece of jewellery as a present to myself.

When I was discussing designs with my jeweller she mentioned that she gave lessons. Now that, I thought, would be a really good present. I would be able to make jewellery that perfectly suits my personal style. So I set out on the fascinating journey of learning how to forge metal and set gems.

Five years on, I design and make hand forged silver jewellery under the brand name ContraryMary Designs."

Mary Duggan

From all things that glitter to the black of night, our next pick was found at the C6 stand - Dovi Friedman walked us through the Anne Cohen collection of exclusive Danish design jewellery created from carbon and diamonds. Understated, sleek and very appealing, including the new Audi Sport Collection.C6

Charlotte Lowe brought together a wealth of moments to cherish with her entire collection based on memories. Handmade in the heart of England, Birmingham-based Charlotte Lowe Jewellery makes silver picture jewellery for the moments you cherish celebrating life's most precious moments.

Augustine Jewels founder Alexandra Robson's collection of statement pieces also housed the most delightful white gold and diamond ring, that surely should have been in our own personal collection. A girl can dream!

If you are looking for more meaning in your jewellery then BYOS and Melissa Curry offer a message in every piece with the Be Your Own Success range - a jewellery collection designed with heart + zing. BYOS launched at IJL London 2015.

For ethical jewellery made using local, natural and sustainable elements, with each piece inspired by 'the majesty of tusk, tooth and horn' - items constantly plundered from our wildlife - Pembe Club are trying to protect and preserve. By replicating these items in a sustainable style Pembe Club hope to send a message to the world while making a direct difference, donating a percentage of every sale for the benefit of elephants.

Finally, our love of marcasite jewellery had us spending a long time enamoured by the Silver & Marcasite display on our way out...

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