Join the 2012 'Waving' Campaign and Be Part of the Bigger Picture

Join the 2012 'Waving' Campaign and Be Part of the Bigger Picture

It's fun, it's physical and it's in a great cause.

As part of the 'Move to Improve' campaign, this year people around the world are being asked to send in pictures of people waving for World Arthritis Day (WAD) on the 12th October 2012.

World Arthritis Day was established in 1996 by Arthritis and Rheumatism International (ARI) and is celebrated each year on 12th October, although this is a year round campaign.

People with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases (RMDs) from around the world are encouraged to join together to make their voices heard on this day.

World Arthritis Day is an ideal focus for organisations to raise awareness of issues affecting people with RMDs and for individuals to support campaigns.

The aims of World Arthritis Day are: -

  • To raise awareness of RMDs amongst the medical community, people with RMDs and the general public
  • To influence public policy by making decision-makers aware of the burden of RMDs and the steps which can be taken to ease it
  • To ensure all people with RMDs and their caregivers are aware of the vast support network available to them
  • The World Arthritis Day website is supported and managed by the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR)

You can join the campaign by: -

  • Taking pictures of your family, friends, colleagues, fellow students, team mates and wider networks waving for World Arthritis Day.
  • Uploading your pictures onto the World Arthritis Day website is easy and can be done on a computer or on mobile devices. When you upload your pictures you will be given a URL to identify your picture so you can print off or send the URL to your family and friends to view.
  • Each person seen waving for World Arthritis Day in the picture counts, so gather as many people as possible waving in your picture! To add a little competition there will also be showing the number of people waving by country. Pictures of people waving for World Arthritis Day are held in a gallery and each will form a pixel in a supersized image.

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