Healthy Hydration with Wenlock Spring

Healthy Hydration with Wenlock Spring

The New Year is a time when people reassess their consumption habits and show a greater awareness towards health and physical fitness, to counteract the excesses of the festive period.

For many people this concentrates around a 'detox' theme.

A key element of such regimes is usually a good intake of water.

There are undeniable health benefits from drinking an adequate amount of water each day. The human body is made up of more than 80% water and therefore this level needs to be maintained - sipping bottled water throughout the day can significantly help hydration. In turn this may improve general energy levels and wellbeing.

Bottled Water - the hydration choice. Water is an important element for life and particularly for children as they are more energetic, so need to replenish fluid at a higher rate. The average Briton drinks only 200ml of water a day (the equivalent of less than one glass*).Wenlock Logo Drinking water can enhance both your physical and mental health - and not only does it contribute to hydration, but it is sugar, additive and calorie free and can add to your mineral intake. It is far better to drink a bottle of water to quench thirst, rather than a more calorific alternative.

Bottled Water - the healthy, calorie free choice. In the post-festive season, looking good matters too! Water helps to maintain a healthy body weight by increasing metabolism and regulating appetite. It naturally moisturises the skin and ensures a healthy glowing appearance.Wenlock Pouring

Bottled water is good for you and should be the preferred hydration choice. Sugary fizzy drinks and fruit juices contain many empty calories and other additives which many consumers prefer to avoid - bottled water is calorie free. Wenlock Spring for instance has nothing added, or taken out, it is just as nature intended.

In addition, alternating drinking a glass of water after every glass of alcohol is the best way to remain hydrated and help to prevent a hangover!

Bottled Water - naturally filtered. With water that is professionally bottled at source, Wenlock Spring for example, the consumer can see exactly what they are paying for - they know where the water has come from and the minerals it contains; they prefer water that has been naturally filtered rather than chemically cleansed.

Matthew Orme, Director of Wenlock Spring

For more information visit

*DEFRA National Tap Water Consumption Survey 2008

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