Gluten Free Food Safety...

Gluten Free Food Safety...

...At Home Or Away.

Have you ever wanted to go diving in the Maldives or hiking in New Zealand but have been put off by the challenge of maintaining a gluten free diet when travelling?

Or eaten a speciality recipe only to suffer the consequences later?

When was the last time you carefully ordered in your local restaurant only to get a bread coated, sauce laden dish presented to you?

Or have you got sick (literally) of going on business trips and staying in hotels that don't seem to understand what it means when you ask for gluten free food?

If you have Coeliac disease, the trials and tribulations of maintaining a gluten free diet are doubled when you have to give over control of food preparation to someone else.

Coeliac Travel will make this an easier journey.

Their 'gluten-free' restaurant cards are easy for you to print out and take with you when you dine out at a restaurant, either at home or abroad.

The great thing about being able to print your own is you can give them to the waiter or waitress to take to the chef.

The most common problem with getting gluten free food when dining in restaurants is that your message gets lost or corrupted on its way to the kitchen.

Available in 51 languages - these cards could make dining out or going away much easier to digest.

For more information visit

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