Find That Extra Space With Clutter2Clear

Find That Extra Space With Clutter2Clear

Life can pass you by while you work away at what you feel you should be doing - when life could be more about pleasure. Clutter2Clear can help you to organise your home and release time in your life to do whatever it is that makes you happy.

Clutter2Clear can help you declutter and reorganise a single cupboard, room, shed, garage, office or even your entire property and will help you to evaluate the usability of your possessions.

I have always had a passion for things in order as far back as the age of eight when I was found explaining to my younger sister how rolling the covers for our dolls prams and leaving them neatly would be a much better idea than leaving them screwed up on the floor!

Over the years I have loved nothing more than transforming a room with determination and organisation. When friends have mentioned being overwhelmed by their homes I have offered my help in getting things straight and they say they have enjoyed the experience of having someone else to hand to help with the difficult decision of what to do with clutter.

Sonia Jones

Before starting Clutter2Clear Sonia was a PA, arranging the diaries for four senior Directors of a busy Finance department whilst also keeping the department of over seventy staff running smoothly.

This involved staff training seminars and ensuring the department met its health and safety responsibilities; all of which was nothing compared to the organisational requirements of her family.

Why use Clutter2Clear?Clutterclear

  • Do you have a wish to Spring clean but you don't know where to begin?
  • Does the home you live in bring you stress?
  • Do you feel you need to move home to give yourself more space?
  • Is your paperwork getting on top of you?
  • Do you have an area of your home that you don't let visitors see?
  • Do you have a property on the market that isn't selling?
  • Are you ready to downsize but can't chose what to keep and what to let go of?
  • Are you ready for things to change but need help to make the next step?

For more information on the whole range of services available visit

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
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