Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

There are some things in life that should never be rushed and coffee is definitely one of them ...
Sea Island Coffee, arguably Europe's leading purveyor of rare and exotic gourmet coffees, was established by a group of coffee industry professionals who were passionate about sourcing rare coffees.

Sea Island Coffee pioneered the idea of exotic coffees which encapsulates coffees, mostly island sourced, which have highly unusual provenances, extraordinary stories behind them and are scarce.

Despite having started amidst the financial crisis, coffee connoisseurs have embraced Sea Island's coffees and restaurants, such as Sketch, already serve them.

Coffee really is coming of age and we wanted to source the rarest and most exotic coffees known about and even some which lay beyond the conventional coffee map. Until the Noughties, coffee was like wine in Britain in the 70's; mostly horrid and indistinguishable from each other. But, there has been a coffee revolution in this country.
Coffee is much like wine in that here is great depth in terms of terroir, varieties and flavour. For example, a coffee from New Caledonia and a coffee from Tonga are virtually polar opposites. So, we thought the public were now ready for these exotic coffees.

Guy Wilmot of Sea Island Coffee

Sea Island Coffee's portfolio of coffees, many exclusive to the company in Europe, is a 'who's who' list of rare coffees: Jamaica Blue Mountain estate, the classic and connoisseur's favourite;
Maui, gloriously full bodied and flawless;
Wild Kopi Luwak, produced by civet cats and the coffee that everyone is talking about;
Royal Tonga, Pitcairn and Geisha, deliciously fruity and sweet.

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