In Season Winter Warmers

In Season Winter Warmers

With November nipping at October's heel it is obvious in some parts of the UK that Autumn has very much arrived and Winter is on its way.

The first morning frosts this week - firmly iced onto many a windscreen - have signalled the need to stock up on some real winter warmers and hearty dishes to welcome us home at the end of the day.

If like us you prefer to try to eat with the seasons, yet you are becoming bored with the same tired menu then we have a real treat in store.

From next month we hope to bring you a variety of recipes that use what is in season and re-introduce produce that has been cast aside in favour of more on-the-shelf- items.

We always welcome our readers recipes too - so if you have a favourite that you love to make and it is in-season, send us your recipes (with a picture of your creation) and it could be featured in our Recipe section.

In season for October: - Apple (Bramley's) - Cranberry - Fig - Plum - Quince - Raspberry - Tomatoes - Cavalo Nero - Celeriac - Celery - Chestnut - Aubergine - Beetroot - Broccoli - Brussels Sprout - Garlic - Globe Artichoke - Kale - Lamb's Lettuce - Leek - Lettuce - Parsnip - Peas - Pepper - Potato - Pumpkin - Radish - Salsify - Swede - Sweet Potato - Swiss Chard and Turnip

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