Pick of the Day - PERK!ER Continue to Perk Up Your Day

Pick of the Day - PERK!ER Continue to Perk Up Your Day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day - and we love the energy and commitment Ann and Steve have to their brand and products at PERK!ER Foods - at that is just one of the reasons we have chosen them for our Pick of the Day, today.

We originally discovered PERK!ER a few years ago and immediately fell in love with their Fruity Berry Porridge. PERK!ERThe aroma alone had us wanting more, from the moment we first opened the box, and the taste kept us going to the very last drop.

And with a whole range of great tasting gluten-free products to follow up on, Perk!er are starting to lead the way when it comes to generating an interest in their products and engaging with their customers.

For a small, independent business they have the energy of giants and the enthusiasm to keep ahead of the game. As an emerging company with big ambition Perk!er are driven by the desire to make life better for gluten avoiders. They use their loyal Guinea Pig Network (GPN) to help with taste testing… and always tell the truth! Customer and consumer feedback is paramount to their success, and if the GPN is a benchmark, this company is heading for bigger things in 2015.

Check out our past reviews on their breakfast range before popping over to www.perkier.co.uk to try some yourself.

Perking Their Way Across the UK

Perkin' up your Breakfast with Perk!er Flakes

Gloriously Gluten Free PERK!ER Porridge

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