Have Your Chocolate Bunny - And Eat It Too

Have Your Chocolate Bunny - And Eat It Too

Easter’s right around the corner—with its chocolate bunnies, cream-filled eggs, marshmallow chicks, and more. Not a bad thing when you’re six, but significantly more guilt inducing for the rest of us...

LaShelle Lyman gives us the low down on eating the best kind of chocolate.....

"Fear not! I bring you good tidings of great joy. You can indulge your Easter sweet tooth and get some health benefits to boot. How? The secret is in picking the right kind of candy. Chocolate, as it turns out, is actually quite good for you.

Dark chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, help combat the health effects of air pollution, reduce heart disease, improve memory, and more.

Before you go and devour an entire bag of mini eggs, however, I should point out that not all chocolate is created equal. Dark chocolate – the stuff that’s practically straight off the cacao tree – is by far the healthiest. White chocolate, on the other hand, has all of the fat and none of the benefits.

EggsWhen you’re choosing a chocolate in the name of health, pick one with at least 50% cacao content, the higher the better. Ideally, cocoa or cocoa liquor (a non-alcoholic extract of cacao beans) should be the first ingredient.

Steer clear of any chocolate that includes oil, corn syrup, or vanillin (fake vanilla) – all signs of a cheaply produced product. Stick to brands that use organic, Fair Trade ingredients instead. One serving a day ought to be enough to keep both your health and your sweet tooth happy. Now, won’t you feel better when you bite off that chocolate bunny’s head?"

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