Have a More Meaningful Christmas with Meaningful Chocolate

Have a More Meaningful Christmas with Meaningful Chocolate

Let's make 20 million Christmas trees more meaningful this year with Meaningful Chocolate Tree Decorations.

Meaningful Chocolate Tree Decorations are now available and are an opportunity for parents, grandparents and Godparents to buy a gift that allows the sharing of the Christmas story while making the family Christmas tree a bit more Meaningful.

Each box contains a new limited edition Christmas story booklet, a nativity character sticker set and five hand-wrapped blank chocolate discs.

The Christmas story booklet allows adults and children to share the Christmas story while placing nativity character stickers on the blank discs.

Once completed, the five decorations can be hung on the tree as a reminder of the real meaning of Christmas.

Each decoration is made from Belgian Fairtrade chocolate so the biggest problem will be keeping them on the tree for any length of time.

Research has found that only 12% of adults, and only 7% of people aged between 18-24, know the Christmas story. So these decorations can help adults communicate the essentials of the Christmas story to the next generation.

David Marshall, from The Meaningful Chocolate Company

The Meaningful Christmas Tree Decorations cost £4.20 or £4 if more than 20 boxes are ordered at a time.

Church orders can be made through www.MeaningfulChristmas.co.uk or exclusively from Traidcraft.

Orders should be made by the end of November 2012 as supplies are limited.

The Meaningful Chocolate Company

In 2011 the Meaningful Chocolate Company launched The Real Easter Egg, the UK's first and only charity Fairtrade Easter egg to mention the religious understand of Easter on the box. By Christmas 2012 the company expects to have helped raise over £60,000 for charitable projects, as a result of Meaningful Chocolate sales.

The decorations are made from high quality Fairtrade certified chocolate. In addition to paying the sugar and chocolate growers a premium for their ingredients, 10 pence from the sale of every Meaningful Chocolate Tree decoration pack will be donated to the charity, Traidcraft Exchange. This is in addition to the profit Traidcraft will make on sales.

Money donated to the Traidcraft charity from the sale of these decorations will help small-scale farmers and producers in the developing world gain the knowledge and confidence they need to trade their way out of poverty. Traidcraft works to create a world free from the scandal of poverty where all people and communities can flourish.

The use of evergreen trees to celebrate the winter season began before the birth of Christ. However, in Britain the custom of decorating trees to mark Christmas did not begin until Prince Albert, Queen Victoria's German husband, brought the tradition from his home land to Windsor Castle in the 1840's.

161 years later it's hard to believe that most of the UK's 20 million Christmas trees have nothing religious hanging on them.

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