Grococo with Rococo and the Grenada Chocolate Company

Grococo with Rococo and the Grenada Chocolate Company

Chantal Coady founded Rococo Chocolates in March 1983. The original shop on the Kings Road is still going strong, attracting chocolate pilgrims from around the world.

Twenty years later a second shop followed on Marylebone High Street in 2004. The flagship store on Belgravia's Motcomb Street opened in 2007 and the most recent addition at The Chester Grosvenor Hotel opened in 2012.Grenada Chocolate Company

In the Spring of 2002, Rococo Chocolates first tasted some chocolate from the Grenada Chocolate Company (GCC) and embarked on a journey of discovery, growth and charity.

When they visited the island of Grenada in 2004 to make a chocolate documentary they didn’t know that they would be meeting the founders of the Grenada Chocolate Company, with whom they formed strong friendships, forged over countless cups of Grenadian cocoa tea and chocolate bars.

When Hurricane Ivan hit Grenada, followed by Hurricane Emily less than a year later, Rococo were moved to help, as these hurricanes had devastated all the cocoa on the island. In fact, it would be five years before the next really good harvest.

Using the very chocolate that had been in the conche when Hurricane Emily hit, combined with their own organic chocolate, Rococo produced the special edition ‘Hurricane Emily Bar’ and gave the proceeds to ‘Hearts and Hands’ the Grenada Relief Fund.

By 2007 Rococo were able to team up with the Grenada Chocolate Company and purchase a small cocoa farm, creating the perfect opportunity to produce their own fairly traded, ethical chocolate. This small plot of land they call Grococo is now the home farm that supplies 100% of its harvest of fine flavoured organic Trinitario cocoa beans to the Grenada Chocolate Company, where they are made into fine chocolate. It is also one of the founding farms that make up The Grenada Organic Cocoa Farmers’ Cooperative.

Since their first successful Grococo harvest Rococo have been including Grococo beans in the Rococo Organic House Blend. All of Rococo’s organic products now include Grococo beans.

The Grenada Chocolate Company Ltd. was founded in 1999 with the idea of creating an Organic Cocoa Farmers’ and Chocolate-Makers’ Cooperative. Producing high quality Organic dark chocolate in Grenada with their world famous cocoa beans, the factory is nestled in lush cocoa groves in Grenada’s pristine rainforest.

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