Giving Cripsy Kale Chips the Thumbs Up

Giving Cripsy Kale Chips the Thumbs Up

When we discovered a pot of inSpiral's Kale Chips at the Allergy and Free from Show at Olympia we were a little intrigued, to say the least.

Initially the idea seemed a little extreme and rather an odd thing to do with the humble Kale, but in an effort to bring our readers a greater choice and variety in their diets we taste tested the available range... with some interesting results!

inSpiral Raw Dehydrated Kale Chips come in four different flavours: Baobab & Onion, Wasabi Wheatgrass, Cheese Purple Corn and Raw Cacao & Cinnamon; all of which are wheat, dairy and soya free. Made from raw dehydrated kale chips, as the name suggests, each pot is also suitable for a vegan diet.

As the pots are made from eco-packaging they can be recycled, once empty, and this is a positive step by inSpiral to support the environment.

We selected a group of people, with varied taste preferences, to give us their view on the four flavours...

Wasabi Wheatgrass: These went down a storm with the Wasabi fans. Primarily they taste of Kale; crunchy and crisp but with quite a kick from the Wasabi in the aftertaste. With only a few crumbs left in the pot these were a favourite choice for many of our testers.

Cheesie Purple Corn: Branded the best seller in the range, it is easy to see why because these Kale chips are really 'cheesie'. Kale AThe cheesie flavour is more in keeping with what many of us associated with cheese flavoured corn puffs - rather than a chunk of Cheddar - but this made them exceptionally moreish and an empty pot proves this true.

Cacao & Cinnamon: The newest addition to the range and hailed as the first sweet Kale Chips on the international market... With many of our testers having a sweet tooth we thought these would be the first to go - but surprisingly this is the tub with the most left in after our tasters had finished their tests. The chips are sweet and tasty and have definitely got a good hint of chocolate about them but it seems that the savoury pots were the winners with us.

Baobab & Onion: With hardly a crumb remaining in the pot these were an instant hit with everyone. A fabulous onion flavour that is hard to resist and positively voted the best of the bunch - by all our testers. The clear winners in our test session!

It would be easy to dismiss inSpiral's Kale Chips without thought but if you are looking for something different, that can give you a real boost of vitamins, without being bland or full of calories then we would certainly recommend giving them a try.

The four pots available cover a good variety of flavours and we had difficulty keeping back enough 'crumbs' in the pots to write this review.

With our testers constantly returning for another 'taste' we can only suggest if you want to try these chips - go buy your own!

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