Get a 10% Discount on Pre-Orders of Bianca Marton Luxury Truffles

Get a 10% Discount on Pre-Orders of Bianca Marton Luxury Truffles

Bianca Marton is offering a 10% discount for Christmas pre-orders on her fabulously divine, genuinely handmade luxury truffles.

Simply pre-order your Christmas gifts prior to the 25th November 2012 to receive this discount.

Pre-orders can be placed online, by email or phone, as usual.

For online orders: -
When ordering online please enter the promo code PREORDER at the order confirmation.

If you have a specific date in mind for the shipping please indicate it in the "I would like to include a message to the seller" box.

All Christmas pre-orders will be dispatched between the 18th -19th December so that they should arrive fresh and in time for Christmas.

Genuinely handmade chocolate truffles created from 100% natural and dairy free ingredients. The real luxury indulgence that is also good for you. Amazingly delicious, velvety smooth and rich.

For more information and to get your pre-order in visit

I started making traditional truffles with double cream and they were lovely. But my brother is dairy intolerant and he just looked at me and said: and what about me? At first I thought - well, what about you? I am sorry but I cannot help you here, double cream is just too important for a really good truffle.

But I could never leave a challenge unanswered and soon enough I started to experiment with dairy free truffles. I spent a lot of time and effort developing dairy free truffles that are just like traditional cream truffles: velvety smooth as they melt in your mouth and burst with taste. I am happy to say that I got it right; they are as good, or rather better than the traditional dairy ones.

And with that I could have called it mission accomplished. But the things we do change us too. Working on making healthier truffles made me look at things differently. I've come to believe that we need to look after our health better, care more for all things living and respect more our environment - and that I want to do my own bit in this.

I also believe in happiness. I believe that happy people live better lives, are healthier and care more for others. So I try to make people a little bit happier and I hope that my truffles will do that - give a bit of extra joy when needed.

Bianca Marton

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