Fine Organic, Fairtrade and Biodynamic Loose Leaf Teas from EqualiTea

Fine Organic, Fairtrade and Biodynamic Loose Leaf Teas from EqualiTea

EqualiTea was born from the frustration and difficulty of finding an alternative to the regular selection of English breakfast teabags available in the UK.

Not that there is anything wrong with a good Breakfast Tea but occasionally something different can make a welcome change.

So after intensive research uncovered a lack of good alternative choices but with many people keen on trying something different, EqualiTeas decided to bring high quality loose teas, full of flavour and aromas, to the market.

Committed to being as transparent as is possible about their products, EqualiTeas are keen to share information on the features and origin of their teas; as well as the impact your purchase will have on their producers and on nature.

In addition to selling great ethical products, EqualiTeas endeavour to do everything they can to be as eco-friendly as possible when it comes to conducting their business: -

  • They will walk or cycle to the Post Office to mail parcels as much as possible
  • Their energy is produced by Ecotricity and they subscribe to the new energy plus tariff which is a 100% green tariff
  • They are very keen on recycling anything they can, and use recycled/recyclable packaging/consumable/equipment (without compromising on the quality of the products or the shopping experience
  • They try not to use too much paper (and only send e-receipts)

And they have a great collection of unusual and inspiring teas should you ever tire of your regular Breakfast cuppa...

For more information visit

Contact Us

  • Phone: +44 (0) 1342 892 588
  • Email:
