Cooks & Co Meal Kits Serve Up Deliciously Fine Food

Cooks & Co Meal Kits Serve Up Deliciously Fine Food

As a Mum it can be hard getting the other people in the house to try their hand at cooking, especially when they are used to the dinner 'summons' and then only reappear again when their plate is clear. Cooks & Co Meal Kit Chicken Arrabiata

So when the Cooks & Co Meal Kits arrived we put them to the test with my 23 year old son, Dale. Dale also happens to have Aspergers and can find the complexity of many recipes too much to follow without visual aid, so the meal kits, with their three step approach, looked like a good place to start.

While we try to encourage people to move away from processed meals and are being steered towards making everything fresh at home, many people either do not have the time or do not know where to start when it comes to recipe ideas and cooking. So with these Cooks & Co kits everyone can make a really good meal in a short time, perfect for busy people.

Dale conquered his distaste for cooking and handling raw chicken, and in about ten minutes had fried off chicken, added a tin of chopped tomatoes and all the ingredients in the meal kit. Twenty minutes later he had a meal he had cooked for himself, complete with tagliatelle - and a sense of real achievement.

If you have young adults, teens or 'can't cook, won't cook' people in your home then Cooks & Co have the perfect meal kit for you.

Available in Ocado and on Amazon, these meal kits cost around £2.29 each and come complete with three high quality ingredients that are perfect for creating a no fuss, gourmet meal at home.

Using the easy to follow instructions, fine food lovers simply use the oil, stock or paste and herb mix provided to whip up a meal in minutes. With six great recipes to choose from, each meal kit provides the base for a delicious meal for between 2 - 4 people and are typically prepared in under 30 minutes, with the addition of 2 - 3 extra ingredient such as meat, fish, tomatoes and a staple accompaniment of potatoes, rice or pasta.

They are particularly aimed at shoppers who appreciate high quality meals but don't always have the time or desire to cook from scratch, and tick all the boxes of cooking from scratch, but without having to resort to ready-made sauces that often compromise the taste and quality of the dish you are creating. They also help to cut down on waste by providing exactly the right quantities of fine ingredients, without the need for storing up."

Anne-Marie Cannon - Cooks&Co spokeswoman

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