Bake Gluten-Free at Home with Helen's Chocolate Cupcake Mix

Bake Gluten-Free at Home with Helen's Chocolate Cupcake Mix

We don't usually use a cake mix to bake our cakes. We tend to either make them from scratch or buy them already baked to perfection from our favourite bakers.

So when we received a sachet of Helen's Chocolate Cupcake Mix we set out to discover if cakes - especially gluten-free - could still be yummy from a ready-mix packet. Helen's Cupcake Mix

The packet had all the clear instructions needed to make the cupcakes, including the full recipe method, which was easy to follow. In addition to the packet contents you will need to add 4 large eggs and 150g of butter plus a couple of tablespoons of water.


It wasn't long before we had perfectly baked, cooled cupcakes that were iced with yummy chocolate butter-cream frosting. They definitely looked good enough to eat so we felt we were left with little option other than to share them around to see how they taste and get a balanced verdict.

With many gluten-free cakes you are presented with a drier sponge yet Helen's mixes produce cupcakes that are not dry and this helps them to hold their shape and form well. They have a consistent texture with a good chocolate flavour throughout but if you fancy more simply add some chocolate chips to the mix or sprinkles to the topping.

The one thing that we were pleased to find missing was the minty taste that many cake mixes are now sporting due to artificial sweeteners; the sweetness comes from real sugar - it is a cake after all.

When left out in a warm room they didn't harden and retained the moisture they had from cooking but we would suggest storing them in an airtight container if you do not intend to eat them the same day.

On the yumminess scale - for homemade packet mix cakes - they score very high in comparison to many we have tried to bake. And the fact that they are gluten-free must award them an extra bonus point. We will let you make up your own minds but for our rating we will say they were all gone before we needed a tin to store them.

The mix can also be used for brownies and other recipes, so involve the kids this Christmas and get gluten-free baking, at home, with Helen's Chocolate Cupcake Mix.

Children love making these luxury gluten-free, wheat-free cupcakes which are really easy to prepare. Great for kids parties and other special occasions they are absolutely delicious. To know they are not made from wheat is an extra bonus. You can also use this mix for making chocolate cake or brownies. See my website for recipes.


For more information, recipes and to view the complete product range visit

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